Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Quiet- Nyah

The moment he pulled out the knife, Nyah understood why she was scared. It gleamed in the dull light of the school, and it made her breath catch. Bastian said something that escaped Nyah's memory as she struggled to speak, and yet no words came out of her mouth. he shoved her against a wall and for a moment, she marvelled at his strength. Then the fear at what he would do to her set in. Her thoughts were jumbled, yet one thing snaked its way to the front.


Nyah dashed to the left and started down the long school hallway. She tried every door she passed and each one was locked. She needed something to protect herself. A pencil would even do. But as she ran she realized that nobody was following her. Though, down the hallway, she could hear hushed laughing coming from Bastian.

As she neared the end of the hall, she sighed in relief as the second to last door swung open. She slipped inside, hoping to find a window open or something. Then she heard a cough. Through her pounding heart and fuzzy thoughts, she managed to slow her breath for a moment, then hold it. Once she did, she heard more breathing, which, for a moment, confused her. Until she realized sith a shock that there were more people in the room, and she began to shake violently.

"You've taken awhile, dear," a male's voice said amid the darkness. No lights flickered in the room, and Nyah felt her heart drop at the sound of the hidden man's voice.

Quiet- Bastian

Why wasn't she running? An idiot wouldn't be so stupid. Gods, he was frustrated They had planned this for months, got this ready for her.

Yes, there were more They were waiting in one of the rooms. The only room where he had not locked the door. She would step in and get quite a surprise. A real big one. He laughed and pulled the knife out of his pocket, showing it to her. The pearl handle had grown dark with years of use. It gleamed in the flickering lights.

"See this, Nyah?" he whispered, jabbing the blade in her direction, "This will be your destruction. Didn't you say you loved horror movies?"

bastian made a grab for her and growled when she didn't try to dodge him. he pulled her up by her collar and shoved her against the nearest wall. He then flipped the blade out and licked the tip.

"Time to run, sweetie."

Quiet- Nyah

Nyah did nothing as bastian dragged her into the school. She wanted to run, her feet were screaming at her to get away. But try as she might, the moment his lips touched her hand she was oblivious to everything but him. Fear and love attacked her mentally, and he dillusional love for him won out in the end. She gasped, only wanting him to place his soft and warm lips on hers. It would be the perfect Christmas Eve, she thought, if he kissed her.


Quiet- bastian

Bastian grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him, his nails digging into her palm. She seemed to frozen in place, not moving. He tugged again, dragging her towards the school entrance.

The roads were empty. No cars passed by, nor late evening joggers. There was no one left to stop him.

She would enjoyit, he told himself as he pushed her through the school doors. She stumbled and almost fell but he caught her. keeping his eyes glued to him, he kissed the back of her hand. Then he turned from her and locked the doors. He spun around and grinned wickedly. He couldn't wait for her to turn and run. He'd locked every door and window earlier, and he was the only one with a key. What a fine place to be spending Christmas Eve.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Quiet- Nyah

She could not believe she was walking away from her only chance at love. And yet, she knew if she did not, something bad was going to happen. She watched Bastian close as he slipped his hands into his jeans and asked her what was wrong.

"Everything, bastian. Everything is wrong," she whispered.

All around her the night was silent, and the darkness felt like it was closing in on her. Nyah felt suffocated, and soon her breathing became hard and laborious. Bastian pushed forwards but she stood frozen, afraid of him. Afraid of that shine in his eye. She wanted to run, oh, how she wated to run. But somehow, her feet stood rooted where she was. Maybe it was because she wanted him to love her. Maybe it was because she could not admit that something about him was off.

Or maybe, she was just plain terrified.

Quiet- Bastian

Anata Baka, he thought bitterly as he watched her back away. Who did she think she was? Refusing him was impossible. He always got what he wanted, no matter what. There was no way he would let her escape. He had waited too long for this night.

"What's wrong, dear?" Bastian asked, taking a step towards her. He shoved his hands into his pockets and grinned at Nyah. That foolish, foolish girl.

Baka, he spat in his head. Idiot. What and idiot. Then again, this would be a lot of fun. More fun than usual. He was into the chase, and it would just make the result a lot more exciting.

The knife felt heavy in his pocket. Oh...what fun, what wicked fun he was going to have.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Quiet- Nyah

Nyah relaxed a little when bastian smiled at her. She shrugged away the shiver that ran down her spine.

"Of course I'm here. Why wouldn't I be? But Bastian...I don't feel right. Is something going on? why couldn't we meet where there were people?"

Many posibilities of answers he could give flew through her mind, until he took a step forwards and her thoughts fell silent. Looking into his eyes, she caught a barely noticable shine. A shine that did not quite fit with the rest of his body, with his gestures. A shine that held in it determination of the worst kind, lust for pain, and a third terrifying emotion that Nyah could give no name to. I shouldn't be here. This is completley wrong, I have to go home.

As much as it pained her, Nyah let out a breath she had not known she was holding, and began to back away from Bastian. Slowly but surely she backed away.

 And slowly but surely, he followed.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Quiet- Bastian

Bastian forced a smile to grace his lips. He didn't want to worry her. The fun would be ruined if she suspected anything. The game couldn't end that fast. No, it had to be long. It had to drag on for hours. This was the thing he waited for all year. Some might call him a psychopath but he didn't give a damn about what others thought. He never did. He never will. Not even as he walks to the guillotine on his death day.

He smiled at the long haired girl before him. He wasn't really seeing her. He was seeing the possibilities. The endless possibilities. A night filled of fun ... and terror.

"Nyeh," he started, "how lovely of you to come here. You see, I was a little worried that you wouldn't show."

Bastian laughed inwardly. Of course she would come. They always did.


It had been almost a year since Nyah had broken up with her first boyfriend, Justin. Ever since, she has been so hesitant, so scared that she dared not get close to any man. The rejection hurt too bad. But now, at this new school, with her step-brothers friend Bastian Aozora? He acted like he might be into her, but how could she really know? The answer was simple, she could not know. All she understood was that he had finally asked her to meet him at the school and she had agreed.

Now that she was here, though, she was having second thoughts. With the way he was holding himself, Nyah could tell something was off. And a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach made her want to turn and run, but something in her mind told her stubbornly to keep walking. Maybe it was because after a year of feeling so alone, she desperatly wanted somebody to like her. Maybe even love her. And if this was a chance presenting itself, then let it come.

Although the thought flitted through her mind that it could be some kind of trap. meeting a fairly strong guy in the evening alone by the school? Maybe to some people that would sound crazy, but not to her. At least not at the moment. Until the hairs on the back of her neck began to prickle and she knew something was horribly amiss. She stood in front of Bastian and bit her lip.

She should not be here. Yet no matter how much she tried to pry her eyes away from his, she could not bear the thought of losing her only chance at possible love.

Quite - Bastian

He pro`lly shouldn't be here. Ray had told him time and time again that he needed to stop this. that he played. It wasn't a game to him. It was the way he lived. A life without the rose scented candles and father's arms to catch him when him fell. He's fell many times and that taught him only one thing: you need to fight to win. You couldn't trust anyone. You couldn't get close to anyone. They'd end up leaving you. Not that Bastian J. Aozora cared anymore. He didn't need anyone to live a happy life. He was perfectly fine all alone.

His next victim was just right. Nyah Cleece. She was the new girl at the school, having only been there for three month. His first reaction was stay as far away from her. After all, she wasn't the kind of person that he would hang out with. Nor would he even consider having her as a lover. She thought that he had become her friend because he was interested. How sadly mistaken she was.

The tip of his knife gleamed under the street lights outside of the school. He shoved his weapon in his pocket as he watched her approach, wrapped in warm winter clothes. A chill of excitement ran through him. He was in for a fun night.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quiet- Nyah

The school was quiet and abandoned. Nyah did not have any wish to still be there, at eight-o-clock at night, but she had no choice. Bastian had said to meet her here, and she was forever in his debt. She had no idea what he wanted to talk to her about, but she had the feeling it wasn't good. When she turned the corner she saw him leaning against a pillar, as always, he was dressed nicely. his hair shone black and his slanted eyes had a slightly scary attribute to them. It was how he always looked. Handsome and rich, yet serious and he never played around. Well, not when he was being serious, that is. Other times he could be so funny and sarcastic at the same time, that anyone who did not know him would get confused. If he was trying to insult them, or make a joke.

Nyah felt a smile coming to her lips, but she held back. Usually he smiled first, yet this time, there was no hint of a smile on his face.

"Hey, Bastian, what's up with this? Coming to the school so late? I have a bad feeling..."