Thursday, November 24, 2011

Quite - Bastian

He pro`lly shouldn't be here. Ray had told him time and time again that he needed to stop this. that he played. It wasn't a game to him. It was the way he lived. A life without the rose scented candles and father's arms to catch him when him fell. He's fell many times and that taught him only one thing: you need to fight to win. You couldn't trust anyone. You couldn't get close to anyone. They'd end up leaving you. Not that Bastian J. Aozora cared anymore. He didn't need anyone to live a happy life. He was perfectly fine all alone.

His next victim was just right. Nyah Cleece. She was the new girl at the school, having only been there for three month. His first reaction was stay as far away from her. After all, she wasn't the kind of person that he would hang out with. Nor would he even consider having her as a lover. She thought that he had become her friend because he was interested. How sadly mistaken she was.

The tip of his knife gleamed under the street lights outside of the school. He shoved his weapon in his pocket as he watched her approach, wrapped in warm winter clothes. A chill of excitement ran through him. He was in for a fun night.

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