Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quiet- Nyah

The school was quiet and abandoned. Nyah did not have any wish to still be there, at eight-o-clock at night, but she had no choice. Bastian had said to meet her here, and she was forever in his debt. She had no idea what he wanted to talk to her about, but she had the feeling it wasn't good. When she turned the corner she saw him leaning against a pillar, as always, he was dressed nicely. his hair shone black and his slanted eyes had a slightly scary attribute to them. It was how he always looked. Handsome and rich, yet serious and he never played around. Well, not when he was being serious, that is. Other times he could be so funny and sarcastic at the same time, that anyone who did not know him would get confused. If he was trying to insult them, or make a joke.

Nyah felt a smile coming to her lips, but she held back. Usually he smiled first, yet this time, there was no hint of a smile on his face.

"Hey, Bastian, what's up with this? Coming to the school so late? I have a bad feeling..."

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